Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Night Of The Living Dead

The opening image was when the brother and sister were driving in the car. The theme was stated when the Johny told Barbra "They are coming to get you Barbra"
The set-up happened when they saw the old man walking towards them. The Catalyst was when Barbra brother gets killed by the Gule. The debate was when Barbra and Ben got into an argument about her leaving to save her brother. Break in two happened when Ben and Barbra where talking about what happened to her brother earlier. The B story is when the people from the basement came up and helped Ben patrol the house. fun and Games was when Ben slapped Barbra. The Midpoint happens when the Gules started approaching the house. The Bad Guys Close In when they start try to come in the house. All Get's Lost when everyone starts dying. Dark Knight of The Soul is when Ben was in the basement. Break into three is the black man was the only one left. The Finale was when the black man was killing all the zombies. The closing image was when the brother was trying to kill his sister.
I thought that this movie was very good for the time it was made in. Director George A. Ramero did a very good job. Although their were some parts that he could have fixed like when they were doing the live news during the day and it was night time.

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