Friday, September 25, 2009

Apple Review

The Documentary Welcome to Macintosh written by Robert Baca and Josh Rizzo this movie was really weird I really appreciate the many and wonderful thing apple has done for this world. But watching a documentary about the old apple computers that had many problems is and the many problems. I learned a lot from this movie like the many thing you need in order to make a computer. Even though it was strange to see this old man who was over obsessed with old computer it was still an ok movie. "Good artist copy, Great artist steal", I get the point of this you got to get down and dirty sometimes to become successful but in the real world artist who steal go to jail just ask Lil Kim. But it was very interesting to see how far apple computer have come from nothing to the best computers in the world.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i feel what you sayign in this and i understand i feel the same way
