Monday, October 26, 2009


Opening image: Marion Crane is making out with her lover.
Theme Stated: Do not be greedy and money can not buy off happiness
Set-up: The lady decides to take the money
Catalyst: the lady leaves and runs away with the money.
Debate: she is driving and she is wondering if she should go back or not.
Break into two: She arrives at Bates motel and talks to Mr. Bate
B story: Her sister decides to come up there and search for her.
Fun and Games: She gets killed and everyone starts looking for her.
Midpoint: Her sister and detective came to look for her.
Bad guys close in: The sister and detective go inside Mr. Bates’ house.
All is lost: they find out that she is dead.
Dark Night of the Soul: They are trapped in the house.
Break into three: decides to look inside the house
Finale: Stops Mr/Mrs. Bates from killing the sister.
Final Image: Mr/Mrs. Bates is sitting in the prison.
Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock and written by Joseph Stefano and Robert Bloch was a well written movie even though it was shot in black and white it was still interesting. Like when the women went into the Normans house looking for the mom, and that's when we found out that Norman was really the mom. It keep me on the edge of my seat because of the way Hitchcock directed it keep you guessing. This movie was a scary mystery shot in Universal Studio's. Marion Crane played by Janet Leigh was the main character. She was the secretary who stole 40,000 dollars from her employer. She tries to run away but was killed at the Bates motel by Norman Bates played by Anthony Perkins. Come to find out he was a psychopath who killed his mom when he was young. He dressed like his mother and at times convinced himself that his mother was still alive. When he was himself it seemed as if he was a normal person but when the mother side would take over him he would go crazy. At the end of the movie he completely thought like his mother . He was thinking that if he showed them that he was not harmful they would let him gO.

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