Monday, October 26, 2009

Psycho review

The movie was very mysterious and had me thinking what would happen next even though the killing seem fake it was still a good movie. Psycho is a movie that was directed by Alfred Hitchcock writing by Joseph Stefano. Was about a women name Marion Crane played by Janet Leigh who stole 40,000 dollar from her boss. And there drove off to a hotel when she came across Norman Bates played by Anthony Perkins who was a strange man from the beginning of the movie that like Marion. Later in the movie we found the strange Norman Bates staring at Marion in the shower.Norman in his mother relationship was bad even though he would lie and say his child hood was great.Norman was able to hold his feelings in about his mom until one day he had enough of his mom and how all her attention was focus to her boyfriend. So he killed his mama and her boyfriend because he felt that he was abandon. Norman began to take in miss moms personality. The physcotic Norman would find women attacked like Marion and then his mothers personality would kick in because she would be jealous. So people thought that it was his mom that had been killing people but it turned out that it was just Norman with an wig on it's really crazy but you got to watch it to understand it more. D-Fly

Beat sheet
Opening image: Marion Crane is making out with her lover.
Theme Stated: Do not be greedy and money can not buy off happiness
Set-up: The lady decides to take the money
Catalyst: the lady leaves and runs away with the money.
Debate: she is driving and she is wondering if she should go back or not.
Break into two: She arrives at Bates motel and talks to Mr. Bate
B story: Her sister decides to come up there and search for her.
Fun and Games: She gets killed and everyone starts looking for her.
Midpoint: Her sister and detective came to look for her.
Bad guys close in: The sister and detective go inside Mr. Bates’ house.
All is lost: they find out that she is dead.
Dark Night of the Soul: They are trapped in the house.
Break into three: decides to look inside the house
Finale: Stops Mr, Mrs. Bates from killing the sister.
Final Image: Mr, Mrs. Bates is sitting in the prison.

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