Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Lost Boyz reveiw
I just finish watching Lost boys and it was a real good movie the movie was weird and the fact that all the people were vampires and that you have to invite an vampire to your house. Director Joel Schumacher and Writers Janice Fischer and James Jeremias. This movie was about a family moving in with their grandfather. Micheal as Jason Patric Michael (Jason Patric ) and Sam(Corey Haim ) Emerson move with their mother Lucy (Dianna Wiest)to Santa Carla, a coastal California town plagued with gang activity and unexplained disappearances.D-FlyOpening image: The first part of the movie where we see the poster that says Santa Clara is the happiest place on earth, on the back it says the murder capitol of the world.
The Lost Boys
Opening image: The first part of the movie where we see the poster that says Santa Clara is the happiest place on earth, on the back it says the murder capitol of the world.
Theme Stated: You shouldn’t kill people
Set-up: Michael is hanging out with the other vampires
Catalyst: Michael drinks the blood and becomes a vampire.
Debate: Michael wonders if he should jump off the bridge or not.
Break into two: Michael starts floating around and tries to kill his vampire
B story: Lucy is in love with the head vampire.
Fun and Games: The frog brothers are trying to figure out who the head vampire is.
Midpoint: The frog brothers go into the vampires’ hideout and kill one.
Bad guys close in: The vampires going to come and kill them in their house.
All is lost: Sam calls his mom and his mom doesn’t believe him.
Dark Night of the Soul: They know they are trapped in the house.
Break into three: Sam and the Frog brothers decide to set up booby traps for the vampires and fight them.
Finale: They kill all of the vampires.
Final Image: The old grandpa says “it’s a nice place to live but there is to damn Vampires.”
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Renaissance Festival
The Renissaince Festival
Monday, October 26, 2009
Psycho review
Beat sheet
Opening image: Marion Crane is making out with her lover.
Theme Stated: Do not be greedy and money can not buy off happiness
Set-up: The lady decides to take the money
Catalyst: the lady leaves and runs away with the money.
Debate: she is driving and she is wondering if she should go back or not.
Break into two: She arrives at Bates motel and talks to Mr. Bate
B story: Her sister decides to come up there and search for her.
Fun and Games: She gets killed and everyone starts looking for her.
Midpoint: Her sister and detective came to look for her.
Bad guys close in: The sister and detective go inside Mr. Bates’ house.
All is lost: they find out that she is dead.
Dark Night of the Soul: They are trapped in the house.
Break into three: decides to look inside the house
Finale: Stops Mr, Mrs. Bates from killing the sister.
Final Image: Mr, Mrs. Bates is sitting in the prison.
Theme Stated: Do not be greedy and money can not buy off happiness
Set-up: The lady decides to take the money
Catalyst: the lady leaves and runs away with the money.
Debate: she is driving and she is wondering if she should go back or not.
Break into two: She arrives at Bates motel and talks to Mr. Bate
B story: Her sister decides to come up there and search for her.
Fun and Games: She gets killed and everyone starts looking for her.
Midpoint: Her sister and detective came to look for her.
Bad guys close in: The sister and detective go inside Mr. Bates’ house.
All is lost: they find out that she is dead.
Dark Night of the Soul: They are trapped in the house.
Break into three: decides to look inside the house
Finale: Stops Mr/Mrs. Bates from killing the sister.
Final Image: Mr/Mrs. Bates is sitting in the prison.
Psycho directed by Alfred Hitchcock and written by Joseph Stefano and Robert Bloch was a well written movie even though it was shot in black and white it was still interesting. Like when the women went into the Normans house looking for the mom, and that's when we found out that Norman was really the mom. It keep me on the edge of my seat because of the way Hitchcock directed it keep you guessing. This movie was a scary mystery shot in Universal Studio's. Marion Crane played by Janet Leigh was the main character. She was the secretary who stole 40,000 dollars from her employer. She tries to run away but was killed at the Bates motel by Norman Bates played by Anthony Perkins. Come to find out he was a psychopath who killed his mom when he was young. He dressed like his mother and at times convinced himself that his mother was still alive. When he was himself it seemed as if he was a normal person but when the mother side would take over him he would go crazy. At the end of the movie he completely thought like his mother . He was thinking that if he showed them that he was not harmful they would let him gO.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Hush"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Hush"
Monday, October 19, 2009
Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Halloween"

Thursday, October 15, 2009
Theme Stated: Do not worry about the stories of the vampires
Set-up: Meet the wife and a old guy, also meet Nosferatu.
Catalyst: Jonathon cuts his thumb. Nosferatu smells the blood.
Debate: Whether or not he should continue staying there.
Break into two: He goes into Transylvania.
B story: Love between Nina and Jonathon.
Fun and Games: Run away from Nosferatu.
Midpoint: Nosferatu gets on the boat and travels away.
Bad guys close in: The police come and come across the dead bodies.
All is lost: Nosferatu is on the loose and inside the buildings.
Dark Night of the Soul: The plague is here and he is supposed to stay in the house.
Break into three: Jonathon realizes he needs to use Nina to kill Nosferatu.
Finale: Nina sets up Nosferatu and he dies
Final Image: Seeing Jonathon hold Nina as she lays there dead.
We thought this movie was very creative, especially for the time it was made. Director F.W Murnau was genius. Max Schreck as Graf Orlok did a great job as the vampire.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Night of The Living Dead Review
Beat Sheet
Opening Image (1): Barbra in Johnny were walking
Theme Stated (5): "There going to get you"
Catalyst (12): Johnny Brother dies
Break into Two (25):Ben and Barbra were talking about what had happen to them earlier that day.
B Story (30): The people in the basement come and help Ben Board up the house.
Fun and Games (30-55): Ben slaps Barbra
Midpoint (55): the Gules are closing in to the house
All Is Lost (75): The Gules get into the house and start killing people
Dark Night of the Soul (75-85):Ben is in the basement thinking
Break into Three (85): Ben kills the other Gules in the basement
Final Image (110):Barbra’s brother is a Gules and is trying to kill her
This movie was really good it was created in 1968 George A. Romero John A. Russo and it had a really good story line. It was real strange at first but as the movie went on it was really good.
The Night Of The Living Dead
The set-up happened when they saw the old man walking towards them. The Catalyst was when Barbra brother gets killed by the Gule. The debate was when Barbra and Ben got into an argument about her leaving to save her brother. Break in two happened when Ben and Barbra where talking about what happened to her brother earlier. The B story is when the people from the basement came up and helped Ben patrol the house. fun and Games was when Ben slapped Barbra. The Midpoint happens when the Gules started approaching the house. The Bad Guys Close In when they start try to come in the house. All Get's Lost when everyone starts dying. Dark Knight of The Soul is when Ben was in the basement. Break into three is the black man was the only one left. The Finale was when the black man was killing all the zombies. The closing image was when the brother was trying to kill his sister.
I thought that this movie was very good for the time it was made in. Director George A. Ramero did a very good job. Although their were some parts that he could have fixed like when they were doing the live news during the day and it was night time.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Beatsheet on The Wood
Theme Stated: Mike talks about him Growing up in Inglewood, California.
Set Up: When he first meet Slim and Rowland in middle school.
Catalyst: He smacks Alisha's booty and gets beat up by her big brother Stacy
Debate: He wanted to apologize for disrespecting Alisha so that he wouldn't get beat up.
Break into two: When he went to the dance and got the approval from Stacy to dance with Alisha
B Story: Slim and Rowland were Mikes childhood friends.
Fun and Games: There was many parts when the movie was funny like when Mike, Slim, and Rowland went to the corner store so they could get some breath mints for the dance, while they were their Stacy and his homeboy Boo came in and robbed the store for some zig-zags.
Midpoint: They got into high school and started getting girls.
Bad Guys Close in: Rowland was letting the temptation of Inglewood and childhood girlfriends stop him from getting married.
All was lost: Rowland through up on their suits for the wedding
Dark Night of The Soul: They find a Cleaner that was open for them to get their suits washed.
Break Into Three: They go back into talking about how Mike and Alisha became really close friends.
Finale: Rowland gets married to Lisa
Final Image: Everyone was parting after the weddinG.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Some Random Online Videos
I just got done watching the you tube video "Blogs in Plain English." This was basically explaining Blogs and the reason for having Blogs. Blogging is simply sharing news about anything. You can blog about taking a poop. I wouldn't read it but hey whatever floats your boat. Blog were made so that you can easily share news. Blogging can be a two way streak between the reader and the blogger.Blogging can connect you to people just like you. Blogging is rapidly growing, since 2003 20million blog sites have been created.
"Back of the Mike"
We just got done watching "Back of the Mike" on http://www.archive.org/details/Backofth1938 and it was real cool to see how people used to create their sound effects for radio shows.It was about a boy watching a western radio show, which was about a western chase scene. And they showed the different and many ways to create sound effects.
"Food Fight"
We just got done cracking up viewing "Food Fight" this is a short film on you tube made by Tourists Pictures. This is a hilarious genius film about a huge food fight. It was between; burgers, pretzels, sushi, sausage, pasta, and french fries and sandwiches. This was very funny i really enjoyed watching this.
"Great Tasting Americano"
This was a very creative stop motion commercial. It seems like the company was trying to reach a younger gaming audience, because they tried to make fun of the game Grand Theft Auto. This was a genius idea. We really enjoyed this video.
"Zombies in Plain English"
"These days you have to watch your back" "Danger is lurking at every corner" We just got done watching Zombies in Plain English, this blog was about identifying a zombie.And the steps you need to take to survive an attack. This movie was very funny, it was really creative and made me aware of how to fight off zombies attacks.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
McMixon and McFoehr Showtime Bloggers Dr. Horrible sing-along Review
Monday, September 28, 2009
Big Dogs at the Movies Dr.horrible review
Friday, September 25, 2009
Apple Review
Apple Documentary
I think that the Documentary from apple was very educational but boring. It had some valid points and taught me a few things. I gave me inspiration because even though at first Apple wasn't very successful they keep going until they reached excellence.
Jim Reekes:(Engineer's are retarded. They have some kind of brain damage that allows them to not have social skills so that they could concentrate long enough to write code. But it's a disease. That's why I had to quite. I mean, I'm like an engineer in recovery. I don't want to write code anymore. It just makes you retarded. I mean, get a girlfriend, get a life.)